How Many Children We can Have?
The Limits to Our Fertility
Although we don´t believe it, we are not particularly gifted with the ability of conceive. Human womens, unlike many other species, they have no way of knowing when they are most fertile... and men can not determine it. Besides this, the pregnancy and above all the childbirths are moments complicated for the womens, much more than for other species of mammals.
This is because the upright position does not favor a wide opening in the hips and therefore requires that children are born in a period relatively early (which why are much more vulnerable than those other species of mammals during its early years). For this reason, the story of a woman who had 69 children throughout his life, although mathematically possible, is incredible for many researchers today dealing with the fertility subject. Doing it would have involved a true Marathon... at least, in medical terms.
The History of Feodor Vassilyev
History does not remember the name of the woman. As a sign of the supposed superiority of the male in the past, only remember the name of her husband: Feodor Vassilyev, who would have been a farmer from Shuya, Russia, born sometime in 1707. According to the story, his wife had a total of 27 births that would have given birth to 16 twins, 7 triplets and 4 quadruplets: none of their births would have been unitary. The Women have been pregnant by a total of 18 years over 40 of their fertile life to be capable of performing this feat. It is a case without precedent in the history of the medicine.
The Skepticism of the Guild
Although the story seems to be well documented, and even appears in the Guinness Book of Records, many doctors doubt its veracity. This took place at a time when medical advances were not as many as today and therefore the risk of a pregnancy was much greater. Survive 27 pregnancies was extremely unlikely. To this must be added the fact that among more babies are born, more dangerous the issue becomes. If survive 27 births unit is dangerous, do it in the case of twins, twins, triplets and quadruplets it becomes in something almost impossible... unless, in accordance with the medical conditions of that time.
But surely the most important criticism comes from the field of children's diseases. If we are to believe in the official story, 67 of the children of the couple would have survived, something unthinkable in a time in which child mortality easily reach it 50%. It is almost impossible to have 67 children alive, from a total of 69, in the rural mid-18th-century Russia. Almost, but not entirely impossible.
Although it would be a unique case, a genetic particularly oriented to the fertility and proper care, lucky hand, could have led to 69 births with 67 survivors. The couple would have simply been very lucky... or unfortunate. In any case, if this story is surely true the illustration of our biological end, of the capacity that we are truly capable of achieving. It is unlikely that any woman will beat the record of the wife of Feodor.
As a side note, the images are representations: when he died Feodor camera still not had invented
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