The Matrix Really Exists in Our World?
Matrix film is quite well known, although it is a film in which everyone would live in a virtual world created by computer, the reality could be at least something like that according to a recent study published in the journal "Nature".
The Argentine Juan Maldacena, theoretical physicist , proposed a new theory in 1997 as a model for the universe, known as the string theory.
According to Juan Maldacena all particles of the universe in its tiniest composition, much more than the electrons, quarks, or any other known smaller particle, would be built by a fine and vibrating strings, infinitesimal. These ropes could be interpreted in a mathematical way, gravity would be created by the vibration of these ropes in an imperceptible music for any human being, but that would be the sound of this universe that we know. The universe that we know would be one created from another that would be the real universe, more simple and more flat and there would be no gravity. A little difficult to understand and especially if you are not a quantum physicist, but very interesting, would be a kind of Matrix, but much more complex and there would be a supercomputer, or perhaps yes?.
Is difficult of understand for who not understands the quantum physics, but for great part of the community world of physical theory of Juan Maldacena enthusiasm quite a bit, since among others reasons the theory of strings could resolve the apparent consistencies between the theory of the gravity of Einstein and the quantum.
The physical Argentine provided with his theory "the key" for resolve the problems of a model that could not resolve in the other and vice versa, so you go making an idea of the theory that would revolutionize of the strings. The Bad of STRINGS THEORY is that was not any evidence to verify that these strings exist and that this universe belonged to another from which emitted an hologram that everyone can see every day and it is possible to see forever "a Dream".
Scientists in a study were calculated across the internal energy of a black hole, the position with respect to the rest of the universe, also called Event Horizon, also calculated the entropy or energy that does not work in the black hole and other elements of the space Eater with the base of the existence of strings. I.e. was calculated everything as if vibrating particles known as strings exist in reality, something that was always a theory. All previous calculations were calculated again in a model without gravity. Those two computer calculations match. After several tests, it seems that the calculation is correct without errors, so it would be a test although it is not definitive.
"According to Leonard Susskind, who is physical theorist of Stanford University, in California." have been confirm numerically possibly by first time something of what all we were practically sure of was so, but that still was not more than a conjecture without evidence.
Thermodynamics of some black holes in our universe may be reproduced from a lower dimensional universe, but there are still many enigmas to resolve. Lower dimensional universe really exist? or would also be a hologram if exist?. If all the universe was a hologram of energy, the living beings would be also a hologram issued from another universe more simple?, what I wanted to say is that we are not really here and all is a dream, where we really are?. I could continue writing questions an eternity without answers, I better leave responses for the quantum physicists and hopefully find response to questions science make, at the moment is to find out what is the universe in which we find ourselves?, but to tell you that there is not a universe, which is a hologram collides a bit do not you think?
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