Sometimes Things are not What They Seem
A Dark Page
Social networks have certainly managed to bind people more efficiently on the network, with the number of positive elements that entails that: thanks to Facebook we have known the evolution of old classmates that we had lost track, thanks to Twitter we have been closer to those people who we admire or has done much to journalism, and Linkedin have a fantastic way to make networking or locating relevant people in a especific a corporation.Unfortunately and as everything in this life, where is a great common good and a step forward for society there is also a dark side and produces a range of threats and consequences that must be to face in order of not to cause further damage. In this regard, the social networks themselves are not the problem, but if their use for harmful purposes for third party users.
Internet built himself, on those times in which the anonymous chats were Kings until the social networks arrive, each step of internet has followed a unpredictable dynamic, many times chaotic, others, following a incomprehensible logical. Many of the great myths of the internet come from his early days (John Titor, for example), others, on the other hand, are recent (Cicada 3301) and meanwhile some are being developed.
This article is about one of the latest foreign acquisitions of internet, a strange Facebook profile called "Ahenobarbus Henocied". Apparently, is a profile of Facebook a little old that recently began to act and to call the attention of the people. According to people who have talked with him, the character sends gore files, phrases in latin, and a series of coordinates which, in general, ar apparently empty places. Many voices cry out that it is a new internet "troll" interested in gaining popularity, but if so, is a pretty dedicated troll.
Who is it?
A small search allows to us to realize that coordinates that he usually sends coincide with critical points of the Haarp project of the U.S. Government. Likewise, videos that sends are classics of the dark side of the internet that involve very heavy violence videos, pornography or similar.The character, has also responded to thousands of people who have established contact with him almost simultaneously. These characteristics have led many to consider Ahenobarbus Henocied as a kind of monster of the internet, somo think that it is the materialization of Charlie charlie (the phantom curse popularized by a recent game). Some speak of that he is a priest, Druid, a member of the Ku Klux Klan or even a non-human being, but the proofs that provide really do not have much validity. Meanwhile, Ahenobarbus Henocied could be the next macabre fashion of internet and become focus of legends, while it shows one off guard the most perverse things that can be found there. With respect to his unknown identity, do you think possible to affirm that it is not a person?
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