The Young Whose DNA Might Have the Secret of the Eternal Youth

The Peter Pan of the Life Real

The Young Whose DNA Might Have the Secret of the Eternal Youth

All know the popular history of the hero that Never grew and that led the children to the land of the never never (Neverland), where could stay in this form for ever. Although originally with a more dark dye. Known as the Peter Pan of the life real, Broke Greenberg is a girl that died of a strange ailment two years ago: its disease never could be diagnosed and ended by baptize is "syndrome X" from them specialists, that were speechless before its case. The problem of Broke was simple: never grew. She kept always with the body of a girl of 3 or 4 years and with the mental age of a baby of one year old: despite she die with more than 20 years, never appeared to his age... well, at least since
fulfilled its 5 years.

The Peter Pan of the Life Real

The History of Broke Greenberg

Broke was born the 8 of January of 1993 in a ordinary family in Maryland, United States. She birth premature (missing a month to the official date) weighed just 1,800 grams and had a problem in the hip that was solved with surgery. Apart from this (that is not great thing) was a girl perfectly normal.
The things began to put is very rare when the girl turned a year. Began to suffer serious diseases that occurred of a sudden way, including seven ulcers stomach punch, epileptic episodes and a heart attack, which seemed not be trace.

But the case more rare was the tumor that was discovered in his brain when had 5 years. The mass seems to have oppressed his brain and have left her 14 days in a deep dream (that was not a coma). Was carefully monitored by the medical, but when woke up the tumor had disappeared. Never be found any explanation for this phenomenon. However,the more peculiar of the condition of Broke was that, approximately to the age of 5 or 6 years, never grow up again.

The Mystery of the Syndrome X

Never before had been seen a case like this. The analysis of DNA indicated that the relating parts to the growth were normal. Their Telomeres also disappeared to the same speed that all the people.
In accordance with the medical, was like his body does not work as a unit, but as a series of parts separated that simply lived together. Broke, however, not had any genetic abnormality in the chromosomes that could explain the phenomenon. It was a true medical mystery

The Doctor Richard Walker, PhD in endocrine Physiology of the school of Medicine of the University of Florida of the South, said that the brain of the child had minimum changes since fulfilled a year. Had an mental age of 9 months, but their bones were those of a girl of 10 years and their teeth of a small child of 8. Was as if his body does not coordinate. Broke died the 24 of October in 2013, to two months of turn 21 years of age. The cause of his death was a broncomalacia, a disease common in the children that  prevents breathing.

The Peter Pan of the Life Real broke greenberg

What Can we Learn from Broke

Although his story is tragic, is a lot that we can learn of the Broke genes. According to the same Doctor Walker, in his case could be the secret of aging and even a possible way to reverse it. Shortly after the death of the young, the parents gave permission to the Institute of biology multiscale and genomes of the Hospital Monte Sinai in New York authorization for a depth study of the DNA of its child. And by first time they began to find differences: were capable of isolating several mutations that they not had seen and that in conjoint could explain the condition of the girl.


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